Page last updated 28 Jun 2024
On my site I use a comment system which I based on the Hashover comment system by Jacob Barkdull, which I have considerably modified to suit what I want in a comment system, For the details of Jacob Barkdull’s Hashover comment system, see HashOver Comment System.
On my site I wanted a fully responsive setup that works on all devices, and I have set up the CSS to also apply for the comment system. I demonstrate here a basic version of that CSS, for comments with borders. I also have a responsive demo without borders at HashOver responsive CSS demo - without borders. Note that this is only a basic demo page. You can see the Hashover comment system in operation on my main site pages.
Since starting to use it I have considerably modified the system for this site to make it the way that I want it. In the original version, if you used a password, another user could use your exact username and post a comment either with no password or with a different password. I thought that this was unsatisfactory. It now seems that Joseph Barkdull is no longer actively involved in this project. I decided anyway to make several modifications among which is that if a user uses a password, then no-one else can post using that user’s username. It seems to be functioning as required. If anyone is interested I have created a zip file of my modified HashOver system - see the downloads below - but be warned that the modifications have been made to work with my own individual Admin settings and I have not made any allowances for changing the settings, so if some of the Admin settings are changed there may be problems. Note that I will not provide any support, you are on your own with this modified version. Note that it functions with PHP version 8.1, it may not work with older versions.
I have written some JavaScript code to make the text input areas resize automatically, on this page there is a basic version of that code. The CSS for this page includes basic media queries with one breakpoint.
You can see some other information on the Barkdull HashOver system at the git-hub site at Jacob Barkdull HashOver comment system and HashOver is a PHP comment system intended as a replacement for services like Disqus, and also at Using Hashover commenting system for Hugo static website.
Note that you can have the same comments show on a number of different pages, for example this page and the other demo page (without borders) link to the same set of comments, which have the primary association to the page HashOver responsive CSS demo - without borders - see the script code at the bottom of this page which enables this feature.
You can download copies of the demo files here:
End of comment section