A Contribution to the Theory of Sets
“Ein Beitrag zur Mannigfaltigkeitslehre”
• English Translation •
The following is an English translation Cantor’s 1878 paper regarding a one-to-one correspondence between points of a real number line and points of a plane or of higher dimensions:
Georg Cantor, “Ein Beitrag zur Mannigfaltigkeitslehre”, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal), 1878, Vol.84 (1878) pp.242-258.
The original German text is viewable online at Cantor - Ein Beitrag zur Mannigfaltigkeitslehre.
English translation by James R Meyer, copyright 2022
Note that the term “cardinality” for infinite sets was not in current usage at the time Cantor wrote this paper; he uses the term “Mächtigkeit”, which can have corresponding English meanings such as ‘thickness’, ‘width’, ‘mightiness’, ‘potency’, etc. I have used the term “magnitude” as a suitable translation.
The footnotes are Cantor’s, unless in green text and indicated by “Translator’s note:”.
A Contribution to the Theory of Sets
If two well-defined sets
If the sets under consideration are finite, that is, they are composed of a finite number of elements, it is easy to see that the concept of magnitude corresponds to that of number and moreover to the concept of whole positive number, since two such finite sets are of equal magnitude if and only if the number of their elements is the same. A proper subset of a finite set is always of smaller magnitude than the set itself; but this relationship disappears completely for infinite sets, that is, sets composed of an infinite number of elements. From the mere fact that an infinite set
The sequence of positive integers
With regard to sets of this class, the following easy-to-prove theorems hold:
In the following, the so-called continuous,
The assumptions which Riemann (Footnote:
See Riemann’s collected mathematical works. Leipzig 1876. p.254f (Riemanns gesammelte mathematische Werke).)
and Helmholtz (Footnote:
See Helmholtz, “About the factual foundations of geometry”. Heidelberg yearbook 1868, no.46 and 47 (Über die tatsächlichen Grundlagen der Geometrie. Heidelberger Jahrbücher), and
“On the facts underlying geometry” by the same author, Goettinger News 1868, no.9 (Über die Tatsachen, welche der Geometrie zugrunde liegen. Nachr. Ges. Wiss. Göttingen, Math.-physik. Kl. 1868, Nr.9), and
“Popular lectures” by the same author, Vol 3, Braunschweig 1870, p.21f (desselben Verfassers populäre Vorträge, H.3, S.2lf. Braunschweig 1876).)
and others since (Footnote:
See J. Rosanes, “About the latest investigations into our view of space”, Breslau, 1871, p.13 (Über die neuesten Untersuchungen in betreff unserer Anschauung vom Raume), and
O. Liebmann, “On the analysis of reality”. Strassburg, 1876, p.58 (Zur Analysis der Wirklichkeit), and
B. Erdmann, “The axioms of geometry”, Leipzig, 1877, p.45 (Die Axiome der Geometrie).)
made about the hypotheses on which geometry is based began, as is well known, from the concept of an
Here it will be shown that if that requirement is dropped (i.e: if no restriction is made regarding the correspondence between a space and its coordinates), then that requirement which was considered by its authors to be essential (according to which an
As our analysis will show, it is even possible to uniquely and completely determine the elements of an
Accordingly, a continuous surface can be clearly and completely related to a continuous line, and the same applies to continuous bodies and continuous structures with any number of dimensions.
Using the terminology introduced above, we can therefore say that the magnitude of any continuous
§ 1
Since two continuous structures that have the same number of dimensions can be clearly and completely related to each other by means of analytic functions, the purpose we are here pursuing (namely to demonstrate the possibility of unambiguous and complete associations of continuous structures with different numbers of dimensions), as one can easily see, is completely dependent on the proof of the following theorem:
As a consequence of this theorem there is another that comes to mind:
(B)A continuous space that extends over
§ 2
To prove Theorem (A) we start from the well-known theorem that every irrational number
For every irrational number
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
by creating the following relationship between the numbers
(1) |
But also vice versa: if one starts with an irrational number
§ 3
Following the proof of Theorem (C) in the previous section, it is now incumbent upon us to prove the following theorem:
(D)A variable
Once this Theorem (D) has been proved, then following upon that and Section 2, we have that
Hence, in the following we only have to deal with the proof of Theorem (D); for the sake of brevity, we will use a simple terminology, which we will first describe.
By a linear set of real numbers we want to understand any well-defined set of real, differing, (i.e: not equal) numbers such that any given number does not occur more than once as an element in a linear set.
The real valued variables encountered in the course of this inquiry are all such that the domain of each of them (i.e: the set of values which it can take) is a given linear set. We therefore do not want to particularly emphasize the assumption, which is made implicitly throughout the following. For two given variables
If one has a finite or infinite sequence
Hence the existence of this formula includes the following:
- every value which any one of the variables
a(v) can assume is also a corresponding value of the variablea , and - every value which
a can assume is also assumed by one and only one of the variablesa(v) .
To explain this formula, for example, if
According to this definition of the equivalence of two variables, it easily follows that
In the following analysis, the following theorem, the proof of which we may omit because of its simplicity, will be applied at various points:
§ 4
Our analysis has now progressed to the point that we are only left with the proof of Theorem (D) in Section 3. To achieve this goal, we suppose that all rational numbers which are ≥ 0 and ≤ 1 are in the form of a simple infinite sequence:
where the general term is
Translator’s note: see an online English translation of the article at On a Property of the Set of all Real Algebraic Numbers.)
according to which the essential attribute (
with the general term
Suppose further that in the interval (0…1) there is an infinite sequence of irrational numbers
We denote by
In fact, according to the terminology of Section 3:
and since
Theorem (D), which is to be proved, is therefore reduced to the following proposition:
(F)A variable
§ 5
We base the proof of Theorem (F) on the following Theorems (G), (H) and (J):
The simplest way of proving this Theorem (G) is to consider the curve in the diagram below, whose abscissas from 0 represent the magnitude
which become infinitely smaller as
The lengths represented in the figure are:
One can determine that while the abscissa
Following on from this proof of Theorem (G), by the application of the transformation formulas:
one obtains the following generalization of Theorem (G):
(H)A variable
From here we then arrive at the following theorem:
Indeed, if we let
then we have:
However, as a consequence of Theorem (H) we have that:
and so we can conclude that :
Also by Theorem (H) we have that:
and consequently it follows that:
which proves Theorem (J).
We can now prove Theorem (F) as follows: By the definition of the variables
If one adds the constant number
We can also determine that:
According to Theorem (J) however:
and furthermore:
therefore, because of Theorem (E) in Section 3 we have that:
which was the conjecture to be proved.
§ 6
I now want to give a shorter proof of Theorem (D). The reason for not using only this proof is because the auxiliary lemmas (F), (G), (H), (J), which were used in the more complex proof, are of interest in themselves.
We consider the rational numbers ≥ 0 and ≤ 1 as in Section 4, in sequence form with the general term
(1) |
We can also write this last formula as follows:
(2) |
We can note that:
and applying Theorem (E) from Section 3 to the two formulas (1) and (2) we have that:
which was the conjecture to be proved.
§ 7
For the proof of Theorem (A), the idea suggests itself of choosing the infinite decimal representation format instead of the sequence formula that is used. Although it might appear that this method would lead more quickly to the required goal, it nevertheless involves a difficulty which I wish to draw attention to here, and which was the reason why I refrained from using decimal representation in this analysis.
For example, if you have two variables
with the proviso that the numbers
by letting:
this does define a unique relationship between the system of
where from some
§ 8
Having completed the intended analysis in the preceding paragraphs, there is now an opportunity to expand somewhat on the above. Theorem (A) and also Theorem (B) can be generalized, where continuous spaces of an infinitely large number of dimensions have the same magnitude as continuous sets of one dimension. However, this generalization is essentially reliant on one assumption, namely that such infinitely many dimensions themselves form a set which has the magnitude of the complete positive number sequence.
Instead of Theorem (A) we have the following:
By the help of Theorem (D) in Section 3 this proposition (A′) is reduced to the following:
The easiest way to prove Theorem (C′) is to use the continued fraction expansion as in Section 2, where:
establish a relationship between the integer positive numbers
It is easily shown that the above function has the remarkable property that it represents all positive integers once and one only once if
With Theorem (A′), however, it now seems that a limit has been reached as to the possibility of any further generalization of Theorem (A) and the consequent conclusions.
Since it has been demonstrated that for an extraordinarily rich and wide range of spaces that they have the property that they can be uniquely and completely made to correspond to a bounded, continuous straight line or any part of it (by a part of a line we mean any subset of its points), then the question arises as to how the various parts of a continuous straight line (i.e: the various infinite subsets of points within it) are related as regards their magnitude. We can detach this problem from its geometric associations and consider, as already discussed in Section 3, that a linear set of real numbers defines every conceivable example of an infinite number of real numbers that are different from one another, so the question arises as to how many and into which classes the linear sets can be broken down, if sets of equal magnitude belong to a single class, and sets of different magnitudes are in different classes. By means of an inductive procedure, the presentation of which we shall not go into in detail here, this leads to the proposition that the number of classes of linear sets resulting from this principle of division is finite, namely that it is equal to two.
According to the above, the linear sets would consist of two classes: (Footnote:
That these two cases are in fact different follows from what is proved in § 2 of the previously cited work (This Journal Vol.77 p.258f ), according to which, if there is a valid infinite sequence
Translator’s note: see an online English translation of the article at On a Property of the Set of all Real Algebraic Numbers.)
the first of which includes all sets which can be given by a function with a free variable
the second class embraces all those sets which can be given by a function with a free variable
Corresponding to these two classes, therefore, only two magnitudes occur for the case of the infinite linear sets; we defer the detailed examination of this question to a later occasion.
Rationale: Every logical argument must be defined in some language, and every language has limitations. Attempting to construct a logical argument while ignoring how the limitations of language might affect that argument is a bizarre approach. The correct acknowledgment of the interactions of logic and language explains almost all of the paradoxes, and resolves almost all of the contradictions, conundrums, and contentious issues in modern philosophy and mathematics.
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