Oh no ! Yet Another Flawed Incompleteness Proof
From the collection of obviously flawed incompleteness proofs, here is yet another:
A Flawed Incompleteness Proof by Dan Gusfield
Page last updated 10 Sep 2024
Another example of a flawed incompleteness proof is PDF Gödel for Goldilocks: A Rigorous, Streamlined Proof of Gödel’s First Incompleteness Theorem, Requiring Minimal Background (v3).
This critique addresses a revised version (version 3) of the paper posted on Arxiv by Dan Gusfield, a professor of Computer Science at the University of California. Since this page was originally written, Gusfield has published a book “Proven Impossible”Proven Impossible - Elementary Proofs of Profound Impossibility, Cambridge University Press 2024. which includes the same flawed proof as discussed on this page.
Other obviously flawed incompleteness proofs can be seen at:
Gusfield has modified his paper considerably in response to my original critique of version 1 of his paper. You can see version 1 of Gusfield’s paper at PDF Gödel for Goldilocks (v1). My original critique is included Critique of Gusfield’s original paper version 1: below. I have since updated this page to give a simpler analysis of the version 3 of the paper.
In his Section 2, Gusfield talks about functions that have one free variable and which always evaluate to either 0 or 1 when the variable is substituted by any natural number greater than 0.
He then says that
“…there is some ordered listing
and that:
In other words, Gusfield is claiming that there is an enumeration function that enumerates all the functions in the set
So, while he refers to the
Having defined this list function, Gusfield states that we can now define another function in terms of this list function
“Next, we define the function
and Gusfield claims that this is a well-defined function (See his Section 4: Back to Gödel), and we note that it is defined in terms of the enumeration function
However, as already noted, Gusfield simply assumes that there is such an enumeration function
Since the remainder of Gusfield’s proof depends completely on that assumption, the proof has no logical validity and the proof fails. For a more detailed analysis as to why there cannot be such enumeration functions see the page Enumerations in different language systems. It can be noted that the notion of the function
Having conceded that his original version was incorrect to claim that it applied to any formal system that “can form any statement about integers”, Gusfield has retreated to a position where he simply assumes whatever he needs to arrive at the desired conclusion. In his Introduction, Gusfield proclaims his proof is the “just-right Goldilocks approach” to an incompleteness proof. It is difficult to reconcile that assertion with the reality that his proof relies on a logically untenable assumption.
Also see Errors in incompleteness proofs and Analysis of incompleteness proofs.
Other obviously flawed incompleteness proofs can be seen at:
An Incompleteness Proof by Francesco Berto
An Incompleteness Proof by Bernd Buldt
An Incompleteness Proof by Byunghan Kim
An Incompleteness Proof by Dennis Müller
An Incompleteness Proof by Arindama Singh
An Incompleteness Proof by Sebastian Oberhoff
An Incompleteness Proof by Antti Valmari
Original critique of Gödel for Goldilocks
This is the content of my critique of Gusfield’s original paper, PDF Gödel for Goldilocks (v1)
Gusfield introduces his proof with the claim that he is about to give a complete, rigorous proof of incompleteness. In Section 4 of his paper, Gusfield naively claims that his proof applies to any formal system that can express his
However, one presumes that is not what Gusfield intended. In his proof, he claims that the
So perhaps Gusfield meant a formal system that is a purely number-theoretic system? But a purely number-theoretic system that can form statements about natural numbers cannot necessarily express a function whose range and domain are natural numbers, when its definition includes entities that are not natural numbers. Gusfield’s
The vagueness of Gusfield’s exposition makes a mockery of his claim of “rigorous” in the title of his paper, since his proof is certainly not rigorous by any stretch of the imagination. Despite his claims to the contrary, his paper is worthless since it does not establish any result of any value.
Also see Errors in incompleteness proofs and Analysis of incompleteness proofs.
Other obviously flawed incompleteness proofs can be seen at:
An Incompleteness Proof by Bernd Buldt
An Incompleteness Proof by Francesco Berto
An Incompleteness Proof by Dan Gusfield
Rationale: Every logical argument must be defined in some language, and every language has limitations. Attempting to construct a logical argument while ignoring how the limitations of language might affect that argument is a bizarre approach. The correct acknowledgment of the interactions of logic and language explains almost all of the paradoxes, and resolves almost all of the contradictions, conundrums, and contentious issues in modern philosophy and mathematics.
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