“Beiträge zur Begründung der transfiniten Mengenlehre”
(Contributions to The Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers)
• English Translation •
This is a new (2024) English translation of Sections 1 to 6 of Cantor’s 1895 paper “Beiträge zur Begründung der transfiniten Mengenlehre”. In these sections Cantor summarizes the key foundations of his theory of transfinite cardinal numbers. There is an older translation (1915) of the complete papers by Philip Jourdain, viewable online at “Contributions to the Foundations of the Theory Of Transfinite Numbers”, but it is a scanned copy without cross-references, and the terminology is dated, and at one point Jourdain incorrectly translates an unproven proposition as a theorem. This translation uses current terminology wherever possible to make it easier to read for modern readers.
English translation by James R Meyer, copyright 2024
Note: The footnotes are not Cantor’s, they are provided as additional comments to Cantor’s text.
Section § 1: The Concept of Power or Cardinal Number
Section § 2: “Greater” and “Less” for Magnitudes
Section § 3: The Addition and Multiplication of Magnitudes
Section § 4: The Exponentiation of Magnitudes
Section § 5: The Finite Cardinal Numbers
Section § 6: The Smallest Transfinite Cardinal Number Aleph-Zero
Contributions to The Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers: First Article
Georg Cantor, 1895
“Hypotheses non lingo.” (Footnote: “I don't state hypotheses.”)
“Neque enim leges intellectui aut rebus damus ad arbitrium nostrum, sed tanquam scribre fideles ab ipsius naturre voce latas et prolatas excipimus et describimus.” (Footnote: “For we do not give laws to the understanding or to things at our discretion, but as faithful scribes we receive and describe those given and promulgated by the voice of nature itself.”)
“Veniet tempus, quo ista qure nunc latent, in lucem dies extrahat et longioris revi diligentia.” (Footnote: “The time will come when these things that are now hidden, that day will bring them to light and to the care of a longer return.”)
§ 1
The Concept of Power or Cardinal Number
By a “set” we understand any collection into a whole
We denote the uniting of multiple sets
The elements of this single set are, therefore, the elements of
A set
Every set
The term “magnitude” of
We denote the result of this double act of abstraction, the cardinal-number or magnitude of
Since every single element
We say that two sets
To every proper subset
If we have a rule for the one-to-one correspondence of two equivalent sets, then, apart from the case when each of them consists only of one element, we can modify this rule in various ways. We can, for example, always ensure that for some specific element
Every set is equivalent to itself:
If two sets are equivalent to a third, they are equivalent to one another; that is to say:
Of fundamental importance is the assertion that two sets
In this way, the equivalence of sets can give the necessary and sufficient conditions for the equality of their cardinal numbers.
In fact, according to the above definition of magnitude, the cardinal number
The converse of the theorem results from the observation that there is a mutually unique relationship between the elements of
We emphasize the following theorem, which follows immediately from the conception of equivalence.
then we always have:
§ 2:
“Greater” and “Less” for Magnitudes
If two sets
- There is no proper subset of
M which is equivalent toN , and - There is a proper subset
N1 ofN , such thatN1 ∼ M ,
then it is obvious that these conditions still hold if
Thus the sets give rise to a definite relationship of the cardinal numbers
Further, the equivalence of
And thirdly, the relationship of
We express the relation of
Symbolically we have:
We can easily prove that:
Similarly, it follows immediately from the definition
that, if
We have seen that, of the three relations
each one excludes the two others. On the other hand, the theorem that, with any two cardinal numbers
Not until later, when we shall have gained an overview of the ascending sequence of the transfinite cardinal numbers and an insight into their connection, will the truth of the following theorems be revealed:
Theorem A: If
From this theorem the following theorems can be derived, although they will not be used at this stage:
Theorem B: If two sets
Theorem C: If
Theorem D: For two sets
Theorem E: If two sets
§ 3
The Addition and Multiplication of Magnitudes
The union of two sets
Hence the cardinal number of
This leads to the definition of the sum of
Since in the conception of magnitude, we abstract from the order of the elements, we conclude at once that:
and, for any three cardinal numbers
We now come to multiplication. Any element
We see that the magnitude of
and if we consider each
is thereby brought into a definite one-to-one correspondence to
We can now define the product
A set with the cardinal number
and hence
If, for any one-to-one correspondence of the two equivalent sets
and thus the sets
Hence the addition and multiplication of magnitudes are subject to the commutative, associative, and distributive laws
§ 4
The Exponentiation of Magnitudes
By a “covering of the set
Two coverings
is satisfied, so that if for even one single element
For example, if
so that this definition constitutes a specific covering of
Another kind of covering results if
for all
The totality of different coverings of
Therefore the cardinal number of
For any three sets
from which, if we put
The following example shows how comprehensive and far-reaching these simple formulas are when extended to the magnitudes:
If we denote the magnitude of the linear continuum
where in Section 6 below indicates the meaning of
of the numbers
If we take away from
and so by Section 1:
From (11) above, by squaring (See Section 6 (6) below), we have:
and hence, by continued multiplication by
If we raise both sides of (11) to the power of
But by Section 6 (8) below, since
The formulas (13) and (14) have no other meaning than the following:
In this way the entire content of my work in Crelle's Journal, vol.84, page 242, (Footnote: “Ein Beitrag zur Mannigfaltigkeitslehre”, 1878, online English translation at A Contribution to the Theory of Sets.) is derived purely algebraically from the basic formulas of the definition of magnitude with these few lines.
§ 5
The Finite Cardinal Numbers
First, we will show how the principles presented, and on which the theory of actually infinite or transfinite cardinal numbers is to be built, also provide the most natural, shortest and most rigorous foundation for the theory of finite numbers.
If we subsume a single object
If we now unite
The cardinal number of
By addition of new elements we obtain the series of sets:
which give us successively, in an limitless sequence, the rest of what we call the finite cardinal numbers, denoted by
in other words, every cardinal number except
Theorem A: The terms of the limitless series of finite cardinal numbers
are all different to one another (i.e: the condition of equivalence established in Section 1 is not satisfied between the corresponding sets).
Theorem B: Every one of these numbers
Theorem C: There are no cardinal numbers which in magnitude are between two consecutive numbers
We base the proofs of these theorems on the following two theorems D and E, which will be proven below:
Theorem D: If
Theorem E: If
Proof of Theorem D:
Suppose that the set
- The set
N containse as element ; letN = M1 ∪ {e} ; thenM1 is a proper subset ofM becauseN is a proper subset ofM ∪ {e} . As we saw in Section 1, the definition of a one-to-one correspondence between the two equivalent setsM ∪ {e} andM1 ∪ {e} can be modified so that the elemente of the one corresponds to the same elemente of the other. Hence,M andM1 are in a one-to-one correspondence to one another. But this contradicts the requirement thatM is not equivalent to its proper subsetM1 . - The proper subset
N ofM ∪ {e} does not containe as element, so thatN is eitherM or a proper subset ofM . In the definition of the one-to-one correspondence betweenM ∪ {e} andN , which is the basis of our supposition, then some elementf ofN must correspond to the elemente ofM ∪ {e} . LetN = M1 ∪ { f } . Then the setM will also be in a one-to-one correspondence withM1 . ButM1 is a proper subset ofN and hence it is also a proper subset ofM . So in this caseM would also be equivalent to one of its proper subsets, which contradicts the original supposition.
Proof of Theorem E:
We assume the theorem to be true up to a certain
We start with the set
E′ does not containev as element, thenE′ is eitherEv - 1 or a proper subset ofEv - 1 and so has as cardinal number eitherv or one of the numbers1, 2, 3, … , v1 - 1 , because we assumed the theorem to be true for the setEv - 1 with the cardinal numberv .E′ consists of the single elementev thenE′ = 1 .E′ consists ofev and a setE′′ so thatE′ = E′′ ∪ {ev} . SoE′′ is a proper subset ofEv - 1 and therefore, by the supposition, its cardinal number is one of the numbers1, 2, 3, … , v1 - 1 . But nowE′ = E′′ + 1 , and thus the cardinal number ofE′ is one of the numbers2, 3, … , v .
Proof of Theorem A (The terms of the limitless series of finite cardinal numbers
Every one of the sets which we have denoted by
Proof of Theorem B (Every one of these numbers
Proof of Theorem C (There are no cardinal numbers which in magnitude are between two consecutive numbers
The following theorem is important for what follows:
Theorem F: If
The set
From theorem F we conclude:
Theorem G: Every set
such that
§ 6
The Smallest Transfinite Cardinal Number Aleph-Zero
Sets with finite cardinal numbers are called “finite sets” and all others we will call “transfinite sets”, and their cardinal numbers “transfinite cardinal numbers”. The first example of a transfinite set is given by the totality of finite cardinal numbers
The fact that
But we showed in Section 5 that
By Section 3, this follows from the fact that:
μ = {1, 2, 3, … , μ} , and- no proper subset of the set
{1, 2, 3, … , μ} is equivalent to the set{v} , and {1, 2, 3, … , μ} is itself a proper subset of{v} .
On the other hand
This result is proved by the following theorems A and B:
Theorem A: Every transfinite set
If we have a definition which removes a finite number of elements
Theorem B: If
It is a given that
The proper subset
and consequently we have:
Hence it follows that
From the theorems A and B the above equation (4) follows, if we take account of Section 2.
From equation (2) above we have, by adding
and by repeating this we have:
We have also
since, by equation Section 3 (1),
Now, obviously, we have:
and therefore:
The equation (6) can also be written
and, by adding
We also have that:
By Section 3 (4),
Let us denote
In this sequence consider first the element
and we can readily see that the element
where the variable
If both sides of equation (8) are multiplied by
Theorem A and Theorem E of Section 5 imply the following theorem for finite sets:
Theorem C: Every finite set
That theorem stands sharply opposed to the following one for transfinite sets:
Theorem D: Every transfinite set
By theorem A of this Section there is a proper subset
In these theorems C and D the essential difference between finite and transfinite sets, to which I referred in Volume 84 (1878) of Crelle’s journal, p. 242, (Footnote: “Ein Beitrag zur Mannigfaltigkeitslehre”, 1878, online English translation at A Contribution to the Theory of Sets.) appears in the clearest manner.
After we have introduced the smallest transfinite cardinal number
But even the limitless sequence of cardinal numbers
does not exhaust the concept of a transfinite cardinal number. We will demonstrate the existence of a cardinal number which we will denote by
For every transfinite cardinal number
For the rigorous foundation of this matter, discovered in 1882 and set out in the paper Grundlagen einer allgemeinen Mannigfaltigkeitslehre, in Volume 21 of the Mathematische Annalen, Leipzig, 1883, (Footnote: Pages 545-591 of Volume 21 of Mathematische Annalen, online English Translation at Foundations of a general theory of sets.) we make use of the so-called “ordinal types”, the theory of which we will first need to explain in the following paragraphs.
Translator’s note: This is the end of Section 6, and this is as far through Cantor’s paper that this translation covers
Translator’s notes
Rationale: Every logical argument must be defined in some language, and every language has limitations. Attempting to construct a logical argument while ignoring how the limitations of language might affect that argument is a bizarre approach. The correct acknowledgment of the interactions of logic and language explains almost all of the paradoxes, and resolves almost all of the contradictions, conundrums, and contentious issues in modern philosophy and mathematics.
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